April  25, 2020

Covid 19 madness, is everywhere,  not only at home, but across the world.  While safe at home please  be sure to  take some time to enjoy our feathered friends.

The nuthatch can easily  be lured to feeders and can also be seen climbing up and down tree trunks in search of bugs.

Downey woodpeckers LOVE peanuts and suet and sometimes can be seen drinking from my hummingbird feeder.

Speaking of woodpeckers, the red-bellied woodpecker has a distinct call which is loud and  almost sounds prehistoric.

Chickadees  are  so fast  that  getting a decent photo of one is  just luck .  They  will cache  food in tree bark  so chickadees,  daily,  come and go   many, many times from my feeders.   Smear some peanut butter on your feeder and you will be surprised  how fast it will be devoured by all kinds of birds.

In all my years of birding, this  is my  first for having chickadees choose  one of my nest boxes for starting a new family.   I never realized before how fierce they are.  If another bird  or  birds  comes near their box, they will chase them all over the yard  until it is clear that  they are not to be reckoned with !

The tufted tit mouse is a beautiful little bird  who also frequent my feeders and bird bath and they usually come in pairs.

Caroline wrens are especially one of my favorites who regularly comes to my peanuts, but they will also eat the suet and  black oiled sunflower seeds.


This flicker woodpecker  loves to “drum” (a mating call by pecking with his beck) on my chimney  cap.  Every morning for about 3 weeks  this spring it  was also  my alarm clock about 7:15 AM.  He definitely  was on a mission and had a schedule to get it done.

This was a one-in-a-lifetime shot of a flicker seeing his own reflection with  much speculation.

And, of course, I love the  bluebirds who sporadically come to my  yard.

The blue birds are such a stunning color….

and I can never get enough photos of them.

Lastly, even though mourning doves make a *** mess  where ever they land, you can’t help to like them and their sad song.  They are  amazingly  trusting of  me and rarely fly away when I come close.

Hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!!   Please everyone be safe and stay well.

Also please keep in mind, in these trying times……

(borrowed from the internet)