This is the tiniest Tufted Titmouse I have ever seen!

July 12, 2020

So I  definitely have nestling bluebirds – my first ever!!   After years and years of backyard birding and years of   having a bluebird house where many  birds  except  bluebirds nested in it,   I thought my “first’s”  were probably over.   But this summer’s first is my best ever!!

Mama bluebird could frequently be seen watching  the backyard happenings while  sitting on her eggs.  And once the eggs hatched….



Mama bluebird could be seen all day long,  going to and fro with tasty bugs for her babies.

Daddy bluebird  was always on watch ( and dive bombing me if I came to close ) to protect the nest box and to feed mama bluebird while she was sitting on her eggs, but, once the eggs hatched, however, daddy bird  was rarely seen.

This is one of the nestlings  just a couple of days before they fledged.  What a great experience!!



But bluebirds are not  the only fledglings  that I see in my backyard.  I always have cardinals.

I  find it fascinating how the fledgling cardinals  ” morph” through so many colors before reaching adulthood.

This guy is close  to getting his final colors.

I love the baby birds but grown up birds are always beautiful too, such as this gold finch and …

This red-bellied  woodpecker who  visits the peanut feeder daily.

And I ever tire of seeing  the downy woodpeckers drinking from the hummingbird feeder.


” A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world.  It knows no law, no pity.  It bares all things and crushes down remorselessly  all that stands in its path. ” from CoverMyFB.com


Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed!!